22 July 2016: Scheduled reboot for critical Xen security fix

This is a past/expired downtime notification. The downtimes specified below have been completed, and remarks/results are given below as well.

Unless otherwise noted, all dates and times are given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), with time in 24-hour notation.

The Xen development team has released a critical and so far undisclosed Xen Security Advisory (XSA), and as such, Linode (LizardNet’s provider) will be performing emergency maintenance on all of their Xen hosts.  LizardNet’s sole Xen system, phazon.fastlizard4.org, will be rebooted as part of the endeavour to patch the Xen vulnerabilities before the public disclosure date of 26 July 2016.  (More information can be found on the Linode status blog here.)

Update: The embargoes on the Xen Seucurity Advisory that triggered this emergency scheduled reboot have been lifted, and the issue responsible seems to have been XSA-182.  Some excellent (as always) commentary about the cause and implications of this XSA has been released by the QubesOS team, and can be found here.

The following server and services will experience downtime:

Date and time of downtime start: 11:00 Friday 22 July 2016 UTC (convert to other timezones)
Duration of downtime: Expected between 30 minutes and 1 hour, but up to 2 hours is possible
Status: Completed on schedule with no issues!
Partial list of services affected:

  • LizardWiki
  • LizardNet OTRS (emails sent to OTRS during the downtime will be delivered after the downtime concludes)
  • LizardNet Continuous Integration (Jenkins) (Gerrit will not be able to trigger any jobs during the downtime, and they will not be run after the downtime concludes)
  • LizardNet Minecraft dynamic web maps
  • LizardIRC server emerald.lizardirc.org
  • LizardIRC’s website
  • LizardMail services on phazon.fastlizard4.org (emails sent to phazon.fastlizard4.org users during the downtime will be delivered after the downtime concludes)

Apologies for the short notice on this downtime (both from me and Linode).

22 July 2016: Scheduled reboot for critical Xen security fix

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